Thursday, July 15, 2010


I found some insulation material called Stay Cool at Siam Cement (not a company one would support with a great deal of enthusiasm), which is just soft foam with foil on both sides. 300 baht for 2.5 sq. m. But the fact that it has a cooling function completely threw Nek, who was in a state of high dudgeon and immediately demanded more money if he was to insulate the whole place. I was able to reassure him that I don't care whether it's cool or not, I just want some insulating foam in the bedroom walls so they don't go doong doong doong when you knock on them and wake up the whole neighbourhood. We have now calmed down and will inspect the wares tomorrow.

Meanwhile an example of the workmanship together with my irate scribbles, in brick: 

And the view from the courtyard, as I've taken to calling it:

Not so much apres moi as dehors le deluge.

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